Thursday, June 3, 2021

Ya udah lah

I see fireworks, you don't. Will you let me know if I'm seeing things?

You see just another stack of paper. I see a potentially beautiful book. I guess I am seeing things.

Bigger, clearer, more beautiful than you can.

Maybe you'll see it in other things, maybe not now, or not with me.

And that's okay.

We can look towards other things and move away from each other towards things that are beautiful to us.

Maybe you'll look back to this and think, well that was something beautiful I couldn't appreciate at the time. Or maybe the beauty you'll hold then will make you forget everything else. Either way, it was something for me and I'll remember it. A whole book of it.

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Silly men make good friends

Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

I invited a silly man into my life. He walked into my living room and rearranged the furniture like it was his. I told him to stay in his corner but he wanted to sit on the sofa by the window. 

"I like to see the view. You have a nice one here," he said as he made a cup of cocoa for himself, in my kitchen with my favorite cup. I let him be, maybe one day this whole place will be his.

"Oh no, I don't want it," he replied when I asked. "I'm just visiting."

"Oh? Then you've overstayed your visit." I took my favorite cup from his hands and ushered him out. 

He smiled and nodded. He didn't think there was anything wrong or weird about it. It was just how most visits ended anyway.

Without him the room felt much bigger but gloomier, lonelier. I guess I got used to sitting on the sofa to watch the view with a cup that wasn't my favorite. I do have a nice view.

It took a month to rearrange my living room. Not to how it was back then, no. I realize I had put too much importance on my work desk and my computer chair. It was blocking the sun in the morning. I also had neglected the phone. So I called my girlfriends, invited them over. We watched movies and talked perfumes, art, music, everything but boys.

One afternoon, I finally opened my front door. He was sitting right there, the sun shinning right behind his face. He smiled and pointed at the sunset, "you have a nice view here too."

I'll sit by him, at my doorstep and watch the sun goes down. 

He's not going in but we can chill out here. The breeze is nice, anyway. 

Maybe this is how silly men make friends or maybe I'm the silly one.